Sticking to Your Real Estate Resolution

Written by Tropicasa Realty
January 27th, 2018

By the third week of January, it can happen to anyone. Those New Year’s resolutions that you made with such dedication have fallen by the wayside. We’ve all done it, but if your resolution was to make 2018 the year that you buy a vacation home in Puerto Vallarta, it’s a promise to yourself that you should keep, and we have some compelling reasons to see that resolution through to fruition.

  • Incredible inventory: the market is booming, and the new housing starts and developments that broke ground in 2017 are becoming move-in ready in 2018. The Puerto Vallarta condo market has never been so vibrant, with exciting residential projects like Pier 57 and URBAN at Carranza, just to name a couple, that are creating a huge amount of buzz on the market.
  • Strong rental market: Puerto Vallarta as a tourism destination is thriving and as choosing vacation rentals over traditional hotels becomes more popular with today’s traveler, the return on investment on Puerto Vallarta properties is at an all time high. With rental income, your Puerto Vallarta vacation home could pay for itself.
  • Low carrying costs: not only does a strong USD make closing costs and furnishing your Puerto Vallarta condo or home very affordable, but maintenance costs and property taxes are just a fraction of what they would cost North of the border.

Make your Puerto Vallarta real estate resolution the one that you stick to in 2018. Talk to your Tropicasa Real Estate Agent today.