News from Tierra Alta

Written by Tropicasa Realty
September 17th, 2014

tierraaltaviewSeptember, 2014

I guess the payoff for being pioneers is that you are never bored.  You have new discoveries every day (even though there are times when you would prefer a little less discovery).

But so far, so good.  A lot of hard work, and a lot of progress.

  • We love our cabin! The model is now called “The Kimball.”  It looks like it may turn out to be the most popular design judging by the inquiries. Some of the probable reasons are that it has 3 bdrms and 3 baths and a cost of only about $80,000 for the cabin plus the lot cost starting at $48,000.  Total base price:  $128,000 and up, depending on lot size.
  • Beautiful bargains:  We also have wonderful cabin models priced at under $100,000 including the lot (minimum 1,600 m2).
  • The lights are on with CFE (the federal electrical power source), thanks to a brand new transformer and a lot of consulting help with the installations.
  • The Road:  After extensive and expensive spending on infrastructure, we now have the much appreciated good road from the entrance up past the pool and as far as lot #5.  To enter, you just pass through the main gate entrance to the “Y” and bear right you.  After the rainy season is over, we will return to road improvements.
  • The Pool is IN!  Now, it’s not a big pool but it’s great for family and friend events. The new pool has a feature that allows you to swim against a “current” for better exercise. Way down the road, we will probably build another pool, again as the center piece for another common area (you’ll see it in the new Master Plan – soon to be posted).
  • Lot redesigns:  Many of the lots have just been redefined to provide better building sites.  At the same time, we have been trimming tree branches to open “windows” for better views where ever possible.
  • New Lot Signs with boundary cord:  It’s not always easy to distinguish the boundaries for lots in the rugged terrain and lush vegetation of Tierra Alta.  So we have been re-marking the lots with white cord and attaching it to the rebar posts that serve as boundary markers.  The new green lot signs show the newly defined lot boundaries.  It should now be much easier to understand the location and shape of each lot.
  • Hiking trail:  Our consulting engineers are defining pathways for water and electrical distribution throughout the project, to be buried separately on both sides of the access roads (water and electrical have to be kept separate).  These same utilities pathways will also form hiking trails that will allow residents to walk a closed loop throughout the entire development without intruding on any private property.
  • Condominium Regime nears completion:  It’s been a little like drafting the US Constitution, but it’s almost done.  We hope to submit it to the Public Registry during September.  After registration, owners can receive their “escrituras” or formal deeds. Thanks to the condo regime provisions, Tierra Alta will always be able to control access to the development.
  • Internet at Tierra Alta:  We are just days away from completing an experiment with antennas that may provide several Tierra Alta residences with relatively high speed internet service. “Relatively” is the key word.  Stay tuned for the full report later this month.
  • New Entrance Signage:  We are working on permanent signage for the entrance.  Due mid-September.
  • Important visits:  Our Master Gardener and future resident, Bruce Beckler was here for a week during the summer.  He got to know his land better (Lot #6) and will be back for four months this winter, available for advice on what and where to grow anything.
  • Sales Prospects:  We have three good prospects for the sale of cabin lots.  (Don’t wait too long to choose yours.)

Three more lot sales would bring the total to five sold lots which would be a good number by year end.  We’re not in a big hurry to sell out.  Our recent redefinition of the lots reduced the total in the first phase from 21 to 20.  Tierra Alta II will add two adjoining hectares on the southwestern side of the project, but it will add only 8 lots to the total of 28 for Tierra Alta I and II.  Development of Tierra Alta II is several years down the road.

Tax strategy is a factor in determining sales pace. We also expect the average price per m2 to rise steadily over the next few years.  And, we want to be able to get to know prospective buyers before they buy into the community.  Speed isn’t everything.

Stay tuned to the web site where we will now be doing more frequent updates.  And, don’t miss our new facebook page at

Saludos, David and Xochitl Kimball