Tropicasa Making the Holidays in Puerto Vallarta More Meaningful

Written by Tropicasa Realty
December 18th, 2013

Holidays? Wasn’t it Just Summer in Puerto Vallarta?

December 18, 2013

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Yes, the holidays have arrived to Mexico and the parties, revelry, decorations and all that the holidays bring are in full swing! Dinner parties, cocktail parties, tree-trimming parties, Secret Santa parties, and even the occasionalFestivus party (which isn’t officially a holiday, but we’re going with it anyway.) Everybody is in the holiday spirit, good moods abound, and the good cheer and overall merriment of the season is in the air.

Now, for me to write a holiday article is not something that comes easily. Don’t throw your wreaths and pine cones at me, but I’ve never been much of a Christmas aficionado. The overt commercialization of the season has just gotten to be a little much for me after my 5 decades on the planet.

However, even the Grinch can have his moments. Every year corporations have parties, big and small, for their staff, and sometimes even their clients. We used to do that too. Some parties were better than others – some more lavish than others – and all were just plain fun.

But a few years ago we decided that we would rather do something more meaningful for our Posadas. So we have turned our attention to helping those less fortunate at this time of year, offering a Christmas to those who may not otherwise be able to celebrate one. It is not a commercial venture; far from it. It’s personal and private, and we’ll be keeping it that way.

However, many people who are on vacation or who live here during this time of year still want to participate and help those who may not have as much. So one of our new clients, the developers of the new vacation and retirement cabins of Tierra Alta in El Tuito, has decided to work with us on a food drive.

Anybody who is interested can drop off canned or boxed goods at the offices of Tropicasa Realty at Pulpito 145-A in Olas Altas. These items will be provided to the deserving families in this charming mountain community on Three Kings Day on January 6, 2014.

The area, which is only 45 minutes to the south of Vallarta, serves as a hub of many workers that support our homes and town in many ways. For those who don’t have the time or are not sure how they can help, this gesture can go a long way towards serving your need to give back to the community in which we live and the community’s need for your assistance.

Yes, the Grinch’s heart grew 2.5 sizes that day, but it was nothing compared to the outpouring of warmth and giving that the concerned citizens of Puerto Vallarta had shown to their lovely neighbors to the south.

Tropicasa offices are open Monday through Friday 9 am to 6 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm – bring your canned or boxed goods by our office at any time between now and January 6. Tropicasa and Tierra Alta both thank you in advance for your kind support!

Watch for further news on the beautiful cabins and mountain lots available in an upcoming Banderas News article. If you have questions on any aspect of this article, feel free to contact me directly at (322) 222-6505 or franklin(at)


Tropicasa Making the Holidays in Puerto Vallarta More Meaningful.