The War On Mexico By Nathan Feuerberg

Written by Tropicasa Realty
July 26th, 2012

I’ve lived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico for two years.  I’ve traveled to Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Puerto Vallarta.  In all my time here I’ve never been in any sort of violent situation or seen one.  I’ve walked around at night and have never been mugged or had anyone approach me and accost me.  In fact I moved to Mexico because of how safe I felt here.  I’ve lived all over the US in many different states and in cities such as Washington DC, New Orleans, and New York.  I was tired of looking over my shoulder when I was walking home from work.  After coming here for a visit I decided to pack up my stuff and reside here permanently.  I have to say it’s been worth it.  It’s nice not living in fear.  It’s nice knowing that I can walk out my front door here in San Miguel and nothing bad will happen to me.

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