Swine Flu: A letter from the tourist department of Jalisco

Written by Tropicasa Realty
April 30th, 2009

Dear clients, as far as Tropicasa knows the flu cannot be cured. What this letter intends to say is that it can be treated with the proper medicine.

Gobierno de Jalisco

April 29th. 2009

Tourist Friends visiting Jalisco:

As you already know, here in México and in other countries, we are facing the problem of a new aggressive swine flu.

We wish to inform you and your family that accompanies you during your stay in Jalisco, or awaits you at home of the following:

  • As of today, no case of the disease has been confirmed in Jalisco.
  • The Government of Jalisco has decided to close bars, restaurants, and nightclubs throughout the State as a precautionary measure in your benefit. Enclosed areas with little natural light provide more opportunity for transmission of the virus.
  • This flu can be cured and public sector hospitals have sufficient quantities of medicines.

We invite you to have a safe vacation implementing some safeguards:

  • Flu symptoms include a very high fever, coughing, headache, sore throat, running nose, difficult breathing, inflamed eyes and fatigue, muscular and joint pain.
  • The virus can be introduced through eyes, nose and mouth by saliva from infected persons who sneeze and cough.
  • If you identify any of these symptoms, you should seek a medical evaluation immediately, avoiding physical contact with other people, covering your mouth and nose with your inner-arm when coughing or sneezing and avoiding all self medication.
  • In order to avoid the spread of the virus, use a face mask and wash your hands every half hour and watch scrupulously your personal hygiene, avoiding handshaking and kissing.

If you require further information, please dial 30 30 50 45 and 46, e-mail prevencioninfluenza_jalisco@yahoo.com.mx for the Health Department or consult the internet site http://www.salud.gob.mx/


Tourist Department
Jalisco State Government