Summer Skin Care Tips

Written by Tropicasa Realty
July 4th, 2017

Summer in Puerto Vallarta! It’s a wonderful time when our jungle mountainsides are lush and green, we have impressive lightening shows dancing across the bay and warm temperatures that send everyone to the beach and the pool to cool off. But with bikini weather comes strong sun exposure that requires extra diligence to protect your skin from sun damage. Here are some fun summer sun tips to keep your skin safe and healthy in Puerto Vallarta.

  • Make sure you are using an SPF of 30 or above that is both UVA and UVB protective.
  • Apply sunscreen generously 30 minutes before sun exposure.
  • Watch for oft forgotten places: hands and feet, the back of the knees and along the waistline and straps of your swimsuit or clothing.
  • Reapply often, especially after swimming or sweating.
  • Stay under the shade whenever possible and protect yourself with a close-knit cover-up, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  • Try to avoid the sun between the hours of noon and 3 pm when the sun’s rays are the strongest.
  • Hydrate your skin from the inside out by drinking lots of water, particularly if you are enjoying a beer or a cocktail at the beach.
  • Follow up a sun day with a liberal application of a rich moisturizer.

Practicing sun smarts will not only keep you from getting a painful sunburn but will keep your skin looking healthy, fresh and youthful. Anyone that owns a property in Puerto Vallarta should keep a well-stocked selection of sunscreens in their home, car and a to-go size in their bag to enjoy our sunshine all year round.

Click here for more Puerto Vallarta lifestyle tips from Tropicasa Realty.