Preparing Your Emergency Information

Written by Tropicasa Realty
March 2nd, 2018

Although it’s not something you hope for, even in paradise, an emergency can happen. We spoke with Pamela Thompson from Health Care Resources PV, for tips that everyone who has a second home in Puerto Vallarta or a spends time in their Mexican vacation home, should follow. One of the benefits of owning a home in Puerto Vallarta is the easy access to affordable, high-quality healthcare, but in the case of emergency, being prepared helps medical professionals give you the best care possible. Here’s how:

• Register with your consulate. This is easy to do and can be done online. Why register? Several reasons: In case of disaster, you want someone “looking for you”, if you are incapacitated, unable to make decisions and your family cannot be located, the consular agent can assist with things, as well.
• Keep the following information in an accessible place and a second copy with a trusted person, especially if you are single:
– List of medications taken.
– Blood type.
– Medication allergies.
– A will, if you have one.
– Medical information, if you have a serious medical issue.
– Emergency contact in your home country (preferably a blood relative). Include name, relationship, phone number, address and email address.
– Local emergency contact – and be sure and let that person know.
– A copy of your insurance information.
– If you are a homeowner, a copy of your deed.
– If you have pets, arrangements for someone to take care of them.
– Religious preference, if any.
– Know how to give your address, including the cross street, in Spanish for Emergency Services, as they will most likely not speak English. Keep in a handy location so that if you have an emergency and need to call police/ambulance/etc., you can read it. If you live in a condo, include where the entrance is and your unit number and location.

A little preparedness means that in an emergency, you will be ready so that you can enjoy your life in Puerto Vallarta without worry.

Read here more Puerto Vallarta lifestyle tips from Tropicasa Realty.