No Cases of Swine Flu Reported in Jalisco

Written by Tropicasa Realty
April 28th, 2009

Pamela Thompson – PVNN

The phones and emails are coming fast and furious regarding the Swine Flu we are all hearing about.

First, and very importantly, I am not a physician! But I do work with the best in Vallarta and I have spoken at length with several of them regarding everyone’s questions and worries. This is a summary of our conversations:

• There have been no reported cases in Jalisco as of this morning.

• It is an air-borne virus

• There is no vaccine at this time. If you had a flu shot this year, it does not cover this new strain.

• As in all flu strains, the highest risk population are young children, elderly, people with respiratory problems & low resistance.

• Symptoms are a VERY high fever (39.C), severe body aches for 3-4 days.

• Should you experience these symptoms, go to a physician immediately. This can be treated with anti-viral medications in the first 72 hours.

What can be done to prevent being infected?

• Stay away from large crowds.

• Cover your mouth when you sneeze, cough (to avoid infecting others.)

• WASH, Wash, wash, and wash some more. I’d suggest purchasing the “gel” type of handwash that is available everywhere and wash as often as possible, especially after being in a public place, shaking hands, etc. Try to avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes if you cannot wash your hands.

• Build up your immune system with fresh fruits with Vitamin C.

• Increase liquids.

All of the above are pretty much common sense suggestions, that are used to prevent any type of infection. You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am always available to contact a good physician should you need one.

We think there is no need to panic about this. Just take proper precautions!

Pamela Thompson

Original Post