Tropicasa Realty - Keeping Mosquitos from Being Unwanted Guests

Keeping Mosquitos from Being Unwanted Guests

Written By Tropicasa Realty | June 26th, 2023

Keeping Mosquitos from Being Unwanted Guests

Puerto Vallarta summers come with increased humidity, rain, and some impressively stunning lightning shows over the bay, but it also can mean pesky mosquitos, which are not only an annoyance, but can carry diseases as well.  

The main concern in this area is dengue fever, but luckily there aren’t many outbreaks. However, if you want to avoid those itchy bites, there are some simple things you can do to keep your Puerto Vallarta property mosquito-free this season.  

It’s normal for more mosquitos to appear this time of year, but just follow these tips, and you can have an easy and breezy mosquito-free summer in Puerto Vallarta without worry. 

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