Tropicasa Realty - Keeping it Cool Without Air-Conditioning

Keeping it Cool Without Air-Conditioning

Written By Tropicasa Realty | November 30th, 2021

Keeping it Cool Without Air-Conditioning

With summer temperatures here, many who own a Puerto Vallarta property are looking for ways to keep their home cool without relying on air-conditioning. Whether your home doesn’t have ac units or if you are looking to keep utility bills low by using the ac sparingly, we have some simple tips to keep your home cool and fresh.

Puerto Vallarta summer temperatures are higher but with them come our incredible thunder and lightening shows and impressive tropical rains that cut the heat and turn our jungles green and lush. With these tips….and maybe some ice-cream in the freezer…. you will manage the warmer months without any problems.

Click here for more Puerto Vallarta real estate and lifestyle tips from Tropicasa Realty.

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